Sunday, February 13, 2011

zucchini fritters with fig salad

This dinner was just too delicious not to post about. The other night we made zucchini fritters - which are ridiculously easy to whip up - with herbed natural yoghurt and a simple fig salad of fresh fig, baby spinach and a drizzle of thickened balsamic. Perfect for summer evenings!

three large zucchinis
1/3 cup self raising flour
1 large egg
shredded mint leaves
natural greek style yoghurt
finely chopped thyme
squeeze of lemon juice
salt and pepper
three fresh figs
2 handfuls washed baby spinach
vegetable oil
(makes about 6 large fritters but you can make these as bite-sized as you like. double the mixture to make more than six)

1. beat egg in a bowl and then add flour and combine to make a batter
2. line a colander with paper towel and shred the zucchinis into the colander with a peeler. allow to strain for approx. ten minutes
3. add shreds of zucchini and the mint to the batter. Add a decent amount of both salt and pepper
4. in a separate bowl, combine yoghurt with the thyme, a squeeze or two of lemon juice, salt and pepper (taste)
5. now cut figs into quarters and toss with washed baby spinach
6. heat about half an inch of vegetable oil in a skillet over medium heat (be careful that it isn't too hot or the fritters will burn on the outside)
7. drop spoonfuls of the batter into the oil once hot enough and fry on each side for a few minutes (or until they look crispy and golden)
8. serve straight from the pan with the herbed yoghurt dipping sauce and fig salad with a drizzle of thickened balsamic vinegar

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